Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming A Blind Drug Mule

Drug smugglers have figured out innovative ways of making innocent people get drugs into the country. Since it can be very difficult to prove that drugs in your possession aren't yours, the best thing is to avoid such tricks in the first instance. Here are a few tips to help you avoid becoming an unwitting drug mule.

Do Not Carry Packages for Strangers

Most people know this, but you would still be surprised at how many people fall prey to this simple trick. You will not be approached by a gangster looking (by popular media's impressions) person, but by an innocent-looking one. He or she may be frail and elderly – someone you are inclined to sympathize with. Unfortunately, your sympathies may land you in trouble when you are stopped, and the package you were carrying for the frail and kind individual (who has now disappeared) turns out to be cocaine.

Don't Accept Unsolicited Help

Just like you shouldn't "help" strangers at the border, you should also be wary of accepting unsolicited offers of assistance with your luggage; it can easily turn you into a drug mule.

It happens this way: a kind looking stranger sees you with multiple bags and offers to carry one for you. Perhaps you are flying, and he or she seems genuinely interested in helping you avoid extra baggage charges. He or she then stuffs drugs in your luggage when you are not looking. If you are caught, then the bag (whose contents are clearly yours) will tie the drug to you.

Don't Let Your Car Out Of Your Sight

It's not just fliers who are targeted by drug barons; even those who drive across the border face this risk. The risk is even greater for those who make frequent trips across the border using the same vehicles. Once the drug smugglers have identified you as a possible target, they monitor your driving and parking habits, type of car, time of crossing and other things like that.

They then plant drugs in your car when you are not around. If you manage to cross successfully, their counterparts pick up the drugs (perhaps when the car is packed in your yard at night).

Therefore, it's a good idea not to let your car out of your sight when you are out in public. If you must park it in public, don't do it on the street (a hotel parking bay may be better). Before heading to the border, it's also wise to search your car and confirm that all its contents are yours.

Despite these and other precautions, smugglers may still find a way to make you carry their illegal stash; they are very innovative. Therefore, if you are found with drugs in your possession, the best thing to do is to invoke your Miranda rights and call for a lawyer. A criminal lawyer will know how to deal with the tricky situation and get you off the hook. Contact a company like Dimeo Law Offices for more information.
