Suit Not Required: Compensation Without Suing

If you are like most people, filing suit is one of the first things that comes to mind after being injured. Taking a case to court, however, can be incredibly time-consuming, stressful and expensive. You should know that you do have other options available if you have been injured because of someone else's negligence, so read on to learn more about getting compensated without filing suit.

Make A Demand

What if you learned that a simple piece of correspondence could be the key that opens the lock to a fair settlement offer for your injuries? The demand letter, when complete and convincing, can be thought of like an informal lawsuit, without the court fees of course. This letter simultaneously puts the at fault party on alert of your injuries and states your case in no uncertain terms. A good demand letter could allow both parties to settle the case out of court, saving both time and money. At the very least, the demand letter will open the door for the negotiation process to begin. Make sure to include the following elements in your demand letter:

  • A short summary of the accident.
  • A summary of all medical expenses incurred, so far.
  • Time missed from work.
  • A list of evidence, such as witnesses, videos, photos, and police and/or accident reports.
  • Who is at fault for the accident, and the reasoning for this opinion.
  • Finally, your demand, which is the dollar amount you are asking to be paid to drop the claim and avoid a lawsuit. Be sure to leave room for negotiations when stating your demand.

Claim and Complain

Workers' Comp: If you have been injured at work, you may need to make a quick decision on whether to file a personal injury claim or file for workers' compensation. Extreme caution is advised, since in most states filing one means you are declining the other. Workers' comp can be sufficient, depending your circumstances. It will pay your medical expenses and a portion of your regular wages while you recuperate, but is not set up to compensate you for any pain and suffering. In contrast, a personal injury suit could result in more compensation, but leave you without pay and medical expenses for months. You may want to consult with an attorney, like Littman & Babiarz Law Office, to assist in making this important decision.

Business Settlements: Most businesses are insured for injuries that take place on their premises. Be sure to file an accident report with the manager as soon as possible. Many times, a business will offer to pay your medical expenses and for pain and suffering, allowing you both to avoid court.

No matter what route you end up taking in your quest for fair compensation, a consult with a personal injury attorney can be informative and enlightening, allowing you to make an informed decision.
