Need To File Back Taxes? Hire An Attorney

All citizens and businesses are required to pay taxes on the income they generate each year. A failure to file by the deadline can have devastating consequences, but there are people who miss the tax deadline each year. It's important that you file your late return as quickly as possible to minimize the damage.

An attorney can be a valuable ally when you need to file back taxes. You will need to hire a tax attorney to help with your back taxes so that you can protect your financial integrity in the future.

Avoid an Audit

Many people dread the thought of going through a tax audit. When you file back taxes, your returns will be on the IRS's radar. This could increase the likelihood that you will be audited. Having an attorney prepare your late returns and file them on your behalf can greatly reduce your chances of being audited.

Since a tax attorney has ample knowledge and experience, you can rest assured that the information submitted on your back tax returns will be accurate. This accuracy can help you avoid any additional fees or fines if you are selected for an IRS audit.

Fight Criminal Charges

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your late return, the IRS may choose to charge you with tax evasion. Tax evasion is a serious criminal offense. A guilty verdict could result in jail time, hefty fines, and a felony on your record.

A tax attorney has the ability to represent you in court if you are facing tax evasion charges. Your attorney can present evidence showing that your back taxes are not a representation of your attempt to evade taxation, but simply an oversight on your part.

Create an Installment Plan

One of the most common reasons why an individual files a tax return late is because he or she doesn't have the money available to pay the IRS. Coming up with a large sum of money by tax day can be a real challenge for a lot of people. This is especially true if you were expecting a refund, but discovered that you owe taxes instead.

Experienced tax attorneys can negotiate with the IRS to help set up an installment plan that will allow you to pay the taxes you owe over time. An installment plan can make back taxes more manageable and help you avoid the accrual of additional interest and penalties.

For more information, contact tax lawyer services near you.
