Uninsured Drivers: What Happens If You Get Into An Auto Crash With Them

Many accidents happen every day on the roads. Regardless of how they happen, accidents are never a pleasant thing. The worst part comes when you have to handle liability matters. So, based on how serious the collision is, you might have an enormous bill on your hand. Fortunately, the liable driver's insurance carrier should help you cover some of these expenses. But what if the responsible driver doesn't have one or has inadequate premiums? The following are answers to some commonly asked questions.

How Do I Handle A Car Crash Involving A Motorist Who Has No Automobile Insurance?

When involved in a car crash, it doesn't matter whether the driver is insured or not; you still have to follow the same procedure. Call 911 if you are injured and collect the needed evidence, for instance, images of the crash scene and injuries. Note down the car's registration details and anything else that will help you recognize it. Additionally, note down the time and day the crash occurred, and if there were any bystanders, try to get their contact details and their version of what happened before and after the accident. Remember to also contact an auto crash attorney to help protect your rights.

What Are My Options In Case The Other Motorist Has No Insurance?

Being in an accident involving an uninsured motorist doesn't necessarily mean that you will not get the compensation you need. Below are two options you can consider: 

        1. Utilize Your Underinsured Or Uninsured Premium 

It is vital to have either or both underinsured and uninsured driver policies. Your insurance firm will cover the costs you incur in case you were hurt or your car was damaged by an uninsured driver. Additionally, if the responsible driver has inadequate insurance, your automobile insurance carrier will cover anything the uninsured driver cannot. Regardless of the case, it is important to get the help of an experienced attorney to file a claim against the driver since such accidents can be annoying.  

       2. Press Charges Against The Uninsured Motorist

All drivers are mandated to have auto insurance in most states. It is not your fault that the driver chose not to carry auto insurance. In this case, you can sue them. However, if the motorist doesn't have insurance because they couldn't afford it, indicting them will not be the best option. Contact an auto crash attorney to help evaluate the case and determine the best way forward.

There might not be many options if you have been hit by an uninsured driver. However, an auto crash attorney can evaluate your case and determine the most suitable strategy to help you get compensated.

Contact a law office like the Law Office Of Timothy M. O'Donovan to learn more. 
